a. All food service employees must receive training on professional hygiene and foodborne disease prevention.
b. Food service employees must receive training within 60 days after employment.
c. You must show the Health inspector proof of training from an approved training source.
Answer: YES .Our provider number (#5552749) is on every certificate. Copy of state web page of approved suppliers is on our website.
Answer: NO. According to 503.049(6)(A) Florida Statute states only original card is acceptable. In addition, the certificate card is copyrighted.
Answer: 3 years from the date of training. Certificates’ start dates starts when training is performed and filled out.
Answer: The International Food Service Executive Association, Florida Branch, is the approved program. You must have a book that matches the certificate.
Answer: YES. You can make copies of the book.
Answer: The Food Service Manager is authorized to do the training and fill out the certificate.
Answer: There is a test in the book, which you can make copies of. A test is optional.
Answer: The certificates are sent out Priority Postage with tracking. It should arrive within 2 to 5 days, depending where in Florida.
Answer: The certificate is a two-part certificate. The top part is for the operator to keep on file. The bottom part, you give to the employee.
Food service employees must receive training every three years, after 60 days after employment.
Food handler Training instructions are provided in the manual. Please review entire training manual.
We wish you much success. Feel free to call us if you have any questions.
Ken Kuscher
Ken Kuscher is a Certified Serv Safe instructor. Ken Kuscher has over 35 years of hands on operational experience. In addition, he has extensive teaching experience at the college level.
Address: Brunswick Food Service Educators 7002 Brunswick Circle Boynton Beach Florida 33472
Phone: Cell 561-703-7196
Office 561-369-2622
© 2025 Ken Kuscher. All Rights Reserved.
Florida Food Handlers Card / Florida Food Handler Certificates / Florida Food Handler Certification